In a bizarre turn of events, Dr. Evil, the infamous villain from the Austin Powers franchise, has expressed his admiration for pop star Taylor Swift and has even tried to recruit her to join his evil organization.
In a televised meeting held at his secret lair, Dr. Evil gushed about Swift’s music and her impact on pop culture. “I just love her songs, they’re so catchy and relatable,” he said. “I even have her albums on vinyl.”
Dr. Evil went on to explain that he sees a lot of potential in Swift and believes that she could become a great villain if she joined his organization. “Think about it, Taylor,” he said. “You already have the power to control millions of people with your music. Imagine what you could do if you harnessed that power for evil!”
When asked how he would convince Swift to join his cause, Dr. Evil replied, “I’ll just have to charm her with my wit and charisma. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll just kidnap her and brainwash her into becoming like me. Either way, it’s a win-win for me!”
Swift, however, was quick to respond to Dr. Evil’s proposal. “I appreciate the offer, Dr. Evil, but I’m not interested in joining your organization. I prefer to use my music to spread love and positivity, not evil.”
At the end of their meeting Dr. Evil even proposed they go on a date together. “Perhaps you could be persuaded to go on a date with me?” Dr. Evil smiled devilishly. “And you could write a song about me? An evil song???”
Taylor instantly turned away and walked out of the room in disgust.
Despite the rejection, Dr. Evil seems determined to win Swift over to his side. “I won’t give up on you, Taylor,” he said. “I’ll keep listening to your music and maybe one day, you’ll see the light and join me in my quest for world domination!”
It remains to be seen whether Swift will ever consider joining Dr. Evil’s organization, but one thing is for sure: the world of pop music and the world of super villains will never be the same again.