Hollywood has announced that the long-awaited sequel to the hit movie “Top Gun Maverick” will feature an AI-powered drone as the main character. The new film will follow the adventures of a state-of-the-art drone named “Maverbot” as it navigates the dangerous world of aerial combat.
“We’re really excited about this new direction for the ‘Top Gun’ franchise,” said the film’s producer. “We think it’s going to be a game-changer for the industry.”
The decision to cast a drone as the lead character was reportedly made after stunning advancements in AI have made human pilots obsolete. “We needed a character with the right charisma, athleticism, and robo-precision,” the producer added. “So we decided to go with an AI drone as the main character.”
The drone, which will use a monotone robotic voice, is said to have a personality that is equal parts mindless and obedient to the commands given. “We think audiences are really going to connect with Maverbot. He’s got a real underdog story, but he’s also a cutting-edge piece of military technology. It’s a really compelling mix.”
Reaction to the news has been mixed, with some fans of the original movie expressing disappointment that the sequel won’t feature a human actor in the lead role.
“I don’t know how you can have a ‘Top Gun’ movie without Tom Cruise,” said one fan. “It doesn’t make sense.”